LitterWorks provides litter removal & disposal services
for all of Northern California and Northern Nevada.
LitterWorks is a Brand New Model for litter clean-up using existing landscape maintenance crews already in action around the country. We also have our own crews.
We provide before and after photo documentation (for use in social media).
We do recurring clean-up contracts, as well as one-time services.
We can recycle metal/plastics/cardboard, and can provide data on what we collect (weight, type of litter, potential litter-point-sources).
If you have a location that has a litter problem, we are here to help.
A Innovative New Model for Addressing Litter:
There are 4 main ways litter is cleaned up in America today:
Volunteers are organized for large yearly or bi-annual litter clean ups of rivers, parks, roadways and other areas plagued with litter.
Cities and towns utilize existing Public Works Staff to do litter abatement as a (generally very small) part of their general duties.
State Highway Transportation Agencies have crews and volunteers that clean up road-side litter.
In some communities, Nonprofit Organizations have paid staff to respond to problematic litter areas.
In general, our nation’s litter problem is inadequately addressed by these existing models because the work is done irregularly/inconsistently by people who only do this job part time.
The research done in the field of litter science strongly supports consistent action to maintain visibly clean areas, especially high-traffice areas, rather than volunteer efforts every 6-12 months.
The LitterWorks Vision:
Every single municipality in America has existing professional landscape maintenance crews who already have the tools, skills, manpower, licensing and insurance to clean up litter in our neighborhoods, beaches, rivers, parks and roadways. These landscape companies have crews deployed on maintenance routes that cover almost every single neighborhood in every city in America. What if these landscape maintenance crews could add on adjacent litter hot-spots to their existing routes, providing consistent litter maintenance to areas that need it? Litter maintenance (when done regularly) is generally a faster and easier task than pruning/mowing/blowing yards. If the litter abatement work is within the same geographic area as an existing landscape maintenance route, and if the litter clean up work offers a consistent boost in monthly revenue, then there is a win/win for the community. Neighborhoods get cleaned up on a consistent basis by qualified local small businesses who have an intrinsic investment in keeping their communities clean.
Communities win. Small businesses win. Nature wins.
In this new gig-economy model, LitterWorks will provide the coordination and oversight of deployment of the landscape crews. LitterWorks would start with an initial survey documenting the relative level of visible litter on a new site. In order for the landscape companies to get paid, all clean up would require photo documentation (geo-tagged and time stamped) and a total count of the number of litter items picked up on every visit. This data and photo documentation will be forwarded to the sponsors for use in campaigns, social media, reporting, etc… LitterWorks will use a simple in-house mobile app for landscape companies to use for photos and other data.
Where is the litter?
Critical to cleaning up litter is knowing exactly where the litter hot-spots are. Often there are natural collection areas where wind or water carries litter (along fencelines, at storm drains, in low lying areas, roadways). LitterWorks will employ social media and other digital communication to get community members and vested partners to contribute crowd-sourced data to populate online maps with pins showing exactly where the litter accumulation is.
Who sponsors the work?:
Cities, towns, counties, corporations, industry groups, non-profits, government agencies can all play a part in a cleaner America by investing in small businesses through this innovative new approach to litter abatement.
A New Way Forward:
This new model expands local small businesses by doing important and meaningful work that is relatively simple and easy. Communities benefit by having cleaner streets, beaches and streams, becoming more attractive to visitors and home owners - investment in clean communities pays dividends. The LitterWorks model also works because it easily scales - there are already boots on the ground distributed across America who are qualified to do the work.
The LitterWorks app will make reporting easy, will centralize the data from distributed crews and provide accountability across the board.
Who we are:
LitterWorks founder Erik Johnson is a former landscape design/installation/maintenance contractor (10+ years) who has been a featured “Landscape Professional” on several episodes of the TBS series “Movie and a Makeover”. Erik also has 10+ years of experience in IT Staffing and Environmental Conservation (he has served on the board of 2 conservation non-profits). He is a 5th generation Californian who has a deep interest in cleaning up his home state.
Our Organization
LitterWorks’ mission is to help clean up our planet and promote a culture of environmental stewardship through our litter abatement work. We collaborate with municipalities and private sponsors to provide litter removal and disposal services throughout Northern California and Northern Nevada
Become a part of the solution!
Sponsor a Clean Up!
If you would like to be a part of the solution to your local area’s litter issues, become a litter project sponsor! Sponsors pay an annual fee to receive a logo sign on the site of their sponsored cleanup, as well as before-and-after project photos and data for social media distribution and promotion. Our employees and contractors provide 100% of the litter removal and responsible disposal. Sponsorship signs get impressions all day, every single day and social media links spread the word about your community contributions. Learn how we can help your business grow while giving back to the community.